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Fan Fiction

All Characters are the property of LM Montgomery and her heirs and Sullivan Entertainment.  These are for entertainment purpose only. Others may have their own opinions as to how these fan fiction stories should take place.  If you have a better idea we would like to read about them.



by Becca

Chapter 1: Joyce | Chapter 2: Jem | Chapter 3: Walter

Chapter 2: Jem

Disclaimer:  They don’t belong to me; they belong to the genius L.M. Montgomery and her family.  This story is just the flight of fancy of a poor college student.  Any comments can be sent to beccaboo1013@hotmail.com .  Kindredly, Becca

It's been a long day. Ezra MacAllister died today of a heart attack. Era was certainly a character and will be missed. It is always the hardest thing for me to come home after a death. I feel that I have to be cheerful. Anne tells me that she understands and that I don't have to pretend with her, and I didn't. Pretend, that is, until Joy. I'm still afraid, even after several, meaningful, late night discussions, that if I say the wrong thing I will send her back on a downward spiral. I know that I shouldn't worry. Anne has only been getting stronger each day. In fact, she is probably making better progress coping with our grief than I am. Marilla told me before she left that I shouldn't baby Anne and that Anne needed to get back to life.

We tried to follow that advice. Anne and I have both returned to something resembling our life before becoming parents. We laugh, we go for our walks through the garden and on the shore. The only difference is in our hearts, for they are heavier. It's just that in times like these, when death treads around me, that I am reminded. However, the pain has lessened greatly. Time is healing this wound, but I was a father for one wonderful day and death took her away. I know it is ungodly but...

I have arrived home and the sight of Anne never fails to make me lose my train of thought. She is my angel and she says that I am hers. Whatever lot in life we have left, I love, and have been loved by, her. She is an amazing creature that I have had the lucky privilege of holding in my arms and walking through life with. With a just a smile she can, for a moment, make me forget all the woes that are in my life, and today, that smile reaches her eyes.


"I don't know what it is Dr. Blythe, but she has been whistling and practically skipping about all day. she won't tell me what about, though." Susan Baker informs me. Susan was a great help when Anne was weak and continues to be, but sometimes I long for the days when it was just Anne and myself.

Anne grabs my hand and pulls me out into the garden. She hooks her arm through mine as we begin our walk.

"What is it Anne-girl?" I ask her.

"I have the most beautiful news and I cannot keep it to myself any longer." That woman can be exasperating at times, for you never get a straight answer when you are most looking for one, or at least I don't.

"Oh, Gil, don't looks like that. Impatient is not becoming on you. It wrinkles your forehead." She always could read my mind.

"We are going to have another baby, Gil!"

I stop walking. I don't think that my feet would have cooperated even if I had wanted to keep moving. Another baby? Will this one be the one to take Anne's life? Must we go through the pain of losing this one too? How can we have another child after Joy?"

Maybe everything will turn out perfect, child and mother coming through safely. A quiet voice in the back of my head speaks, trying to over power the ones in the front shouting horrible scenarios.

"Gil, darling, look at me, please." I never could say no to her, but she is not going to like the look that I know is on my face as I argue internally with myself.

"Why, Gil, you're not happy at all."

"Oh, Carrots," I place a hand gently on her cheek, playing with a tendril of hair with the tips of my fingers. "You mustn't think that I'm not happy. Only that my happiness is masked by my concern."

"That we might lose this baby, too?"

"Yes, and also if we tempt fate one more time, I'm going to lose you.

"Oh, Gil," she practically jumps into my arms. "You aren't going to lose me. I'm strong and I've made up my mind and when have I ever I failed at something once I've made up my mind?" She seals the promise with a kiss and I'm not so worried anymore. That woman's kiss could always make the rest of the world disappear.


Anne's pregnancy has progressed without a problem. Of course, Anne carried Joy to term without a fault, it was the delivery that took my daughter and very nearly my wife. Still, I am a little less worried each day about losing Anne. As I watch her sleep peacefully I must think that all is right with the world. In a matter of days, we will be parents again.


I am awakened as the clock chimes four. Anne touches my arm and my heart drops into my stomach.

"Gil, it's time." The last time I heard those words the world as I knew it crumbled at my feet. We have worked so hard to rebuild our world, and even if the outcome of tonight's labor is the hoped for, our worlds will still change forever.


"Come one Anne, you are almost there. You can do this." I hear a voice saying. I realize that it is my own. The labor is almost over. What took so long with Joy has been just as short with this darling baby. I look into my uncle's eyes and can tell that nothing is wrong. There is no need to worry. However, as I hear my wife's screams and feel the pressure she puts on my hand, I'd willingly argue otherwise. For the sake of my health, not hers. One last piercing scream and suddenly there is a different cry. I look over to the origin of the sound and see my child. My son. He's pink and healthy and definitely has a set of lungs on him. He's perfect. As the nurse places him in Anne's arms, I feel a tear of joy slip down my cheek. As Anne cuddles and coos I look on. This is my family and I couldn't be happier.

"Gil, come here and hold your son." I hear Anne call. I don't exactly have to move much. I haven't left Anne's side since she awoke me at the pre-dawn hour of this morning. As my wife places the baby in my arms, I stare in wonder at our miracle.

"He's beautiful Anne."

"He's going to look just like you. I know it."

"I should hope not. Besides, my extensive medical training tells me that this baby is going to have red hair." I say teasingly, hoping that my prediction comes true.

"Don't you dare say that Gilbert. He won't have red hair. He won't!"

I see the nurse, who we had forgotten was still in the room, smile at our teasing argument.

"What do you think?" I ask her.

"Well," the timid creature begins. "He does look an awful lot like Dr. Blythe."

"See," Anne says will jutting out her chin in defiant victory.

"But I do believe that his hair is going to be red."

And now it is my turn to smile.


The nurse left a quarter of an hour ago and in that time Anne and I have been sitting with our child. My family is perfect. God has truly blessed us on this day. Mother and child are healthy. Anne is cooing and cuddling the baby. I force myself to stand up. The rest of the house must me told.


Marilla's eyes when I told her the news were like nothing I have ever seen before. They are an odd mixture of joy and relief. All I'm feeling at this moment is joy and I can't understand why Marilla would be relieved. Then I realize, she did not know that this birth was as easy as Joy's was hard. I suddenly feel guilty that she had not been told sooner, although I wouldn't change the experience of Jem's birth for the world. That's what Anne and I have decided to call him. James Matthew.

"The nurse says his hair is going to be red. Anne despises the idea, but I'm tickled to death." I announce. Marilla just smiles, she knows as well as I do that Anne hates her red hair, but she can't know how much I love it.

I hope that all our children have red hair.


It's night-time now. Jem sleeps in his bassinet and I look over and see the lovely form of my wife sleeping. I am hopelessly in love with them both and they are both well and all is right with the world.

Chapter 2: Walter  

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