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By Kelly
So Wags the World
Gilbert's Decision

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Matthew is Dead
Terrible News
A Wrong Decision
A Bend in the Road
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Evacuation Hospital

By Rebekkah
Anne's Life as an Orphan
A Blythe Misunderstanding
The Blythe Orphans
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The Product of Our Love

Friendship, Courtship and Love

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The Announcement
You Cannot
The Last Connection

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Living Without You
Vignette of Life

By Nellie
Destiny Gives

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Coming Together

By Beth Mott
Joyous Announcement

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Entering the Brave New World
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Anne of the Glen

By ElleJay
Rilla's Castle O Dreams

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All's Right in the World

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Davy's Beau

Anne of Green Gables
Fan Fiction

All Characters are the property of LM Montgomery and her heirs and Sullivan Entertainment.  These are for entertainment purpose only. Others may have their own opinions as to how these fan fiction stories should take place.  If you have a better idea we would like to read about them.



by Becca

Chapter 1: Joyce | Chapter 2: Jem | Chapter 3: Walter

Chapter 3: Walter

Disclaimer:  They don’t belong to me; they belong to the genius L.M. Montgomery and her family.  This story is just the flight of fancy of a poor college student.  Any comments can be sent to beccaboo1013@hotmail.com .  Kindredly, Becca

 I come home after a long, hard day of work and realize that I am the luckiest man on earth.  I have a beautiful wife, who grows more beautiful each day, and whom I am still, even after almost 3 years of marriage, trying to understand; understand why I deserve her, understand why she picked me.  She is in the sitting room now, rocking our little boy to sleep.  Jem, our miracle, I have never been so nervous in my life as when Anne told me it was time for him to come into the world and I have never felt such joy as when he did.  As I walk into the room, Anne motions me to be quiet, meaning Jem is very nearly asleep.  At six months he has just begun to sleep for almost the whole night and no one could possibly be more thankful for that than I, well...maybe Anne.  She indicated with her finger that she wants me to walk with her as she takes Jem to his bassinet, which sadly, he is fast out-growing.  She lays him down as I watch over her shoulder.  As she stands up, I put my arms around her waist and rest my chin on the top of her head.  It never ceases to amaze me how much of a perfect fit Anne and I are, both mentally and physically.  She can discuss any subject with me and hold her own in each and every conversation.  Most of my peers think me odd for wanting an educated and opinionated wife, but I love having a wife who is more intelligent than I.  And she is, despite my teasing to the contrary.  Our bodies fit together just as well as our minds.  I'm a very tall man and I tower over most of my female friends, but Anne's head just reaches my chin, making her perfect to hold.  I am startled from my revere as she turns to face me.  She wraps her arms around me and kisses me very lightly, which in the past six years I have learned, means that she wants to talk, and it's probably serious.  She leads me silently out into the garden and it takes all my will power to stop and grab our coats, releasing her hand to put them on and then open the door.  We stay in the confines of the garden.  In a few months, we'll be able to wander the beach, but the Island is still in the throws of winter and thus we are confined to our yard. 

"Anne, is there something you'd like to share with me, or shall I guess why your smile reaches your eyes tonight?"

"Oh, I won't make you guess, that would be cruel. I'm just trying to think of the most poetic way to tell you.  I just blurted it out the last time and I wanted this time to be a time to..."

"You're pregnant!"  I pick her up and twirl her around, kissing her soundly as I set her down.

"Or guess if you like."  She says with a smile.

"How far along are you?"

"My best guess, two months."

"So, we are to have a summer baby!  Oh, Anne, you make me so happy."


The next couple of days are spent telling everyone of our pending miracle.  It isn't until almost two months later, when Anne shows the first visible signs of this new life that I begin to have my doubts.  Not about Anne's or the baby's health this time, although that thought is and always will be in the back corner of my mind.  My doubts this time have to do with my abilities to love this baby as much as I love Jem, as much as I loved and still do love, in memory, Joy.  While I am the father of two, the two have never been living in my life at the same time.  Will I unduly pick a favorite and will the other resent me for it?  Will I be in as much wonder of this one as I am of Jem?  Will each little accomplishment warrant a celebration?  Will it all be new again or will this child seem like an obligation to me?  I lay tossing and turning in bed as these thought race through my mind. 

"Gilbert, darling, are you all right?"

Dear, sweet, darling Anne, she will be able to ease my woes, just as she always has.

"Anne-girl, I don't know if..."

"If you'll be able to love this baby as much as you do Jem?  I know.  I had the same thought when I first suspected that I might be carrying this child, and then I saw your face when I told you and all my worries ceased.  Love does not divide, it multiplies, Gil.  If I have my way, there will be so much love in this house by the time that we are through that the walls won't be enough to hold it.  You will love this baby just as much as Jem, Gil, I just know it.  Now get to sleep, I won't have Glen St. Mary's doctor impaired because he didn't sleep a wink worrying about loving a second child because he already loves the first child so much."

I wrap my arms around my sweet, kind, and did I mention incredibly intelligent wife, resting my hands on the tiny mound that would soon become our child.


Two months have since past since that late night and I have enjoyed every step of this pregnancy with Anne, but I have realized something that I dread telling her.  Jem is growing so fast and with the new baby on the way, our little House O' Dreams is not going to be large enough to hold our growing family.  Anne was right, just not in the way she thought, the walls weren't going to be able to hold us, not only because of love, but also because of our growing numbers.  There is an old farm house for sale in the Glen and will be much more practical for our growing family.  Anne, however, has never been one for doing things merely because they are practical.  Telling her we must leave this dear place will be one of the hardest things I will have to do.  There are so many memories behind those doors and it'll be hard for even practical me to let them go.


I am woken in our new bedroom by a screaming form beside me.  I know she is in labor and I also know, knowing my wife, that I should have been woken at least 3 hours ago.  There will be no time to get another doctor, for a new scream is already piercing my ears.  God has given me a way to love this child differently than Jem.  This child will be the first I deliver by my own hands.

"I swear Anne-girl, sometimes you take having a doctor as a husband for granted.  I should have been woken hours ago, and then Dr. Dave could have gotten here in time." I tease her.

"Don't you dare tease me now Gilbert Blythe.  You got me into this situation and you and you alone are going to get me out of it!"  She grabs my hand and squeezes it, allowing me to share in her pain.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!"  I jump out of bed, and move the sheets, so I can get a better look.  She's close, but I have enough time to wake Susan and get some water boiling.


About an hour later, I hold my newborn son in my arms for the first time.  I am the first to hold him, the first to cradle his head as he enters this world.  Susan lays a towel across Anne's chest, and I lay our son there for her to look at.  She starts her motherly cooing and there is nothing for me to do but smile.  My doctoring mind takes over soon, and I take care of what would normally be a nurses job (have I thanked God yet that this birth went off without a hitch, I'm sure what I would have done had there been complications and no one to assist me.  Thank you Lord) and clean my son up, cut the cord, tie it off and return to my fatherly staring.

"What shall we call him, Carrots?  He has your eyes, at least in their grey shade, but his hair is so dark, there is no one in my family at least with that shade.  I suspect he looks like one of your parents.  Shall we call him Walter then?"

"I wanted to call him Cuthbert as a way of thanking Marilla for everything."

"For all your childhood complaints about your name, would you actually burden a child with a name such as Cuthbert"

"I guess it was sort of foolish, but how about Walter Cuthbert?"

"Walter Cuthbert."  I turn my attention to my son.  "Walter Cuthbert Blythe.  Welcome to the family and welcome to this world.  Happy Birthday, Son."  I kiss both his head and his mother’s.  You will be loved Walter, as much as I have I will give to you.  With all my heart, I love you son.


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