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What Mormons Believe

LDS Scriptures

Nature of God

The Fall of Adam


First Principles and Ordinances

Being called of God

Joseph Smith


Organization of the Church

Gifts of the Spirit

Continuing Revelation

Literal Gathering of Israel


Obeying the Law

Good works





Word of Wisdom (health)

Free Agency



* JST= Joseph Smith Translation

** From the Book of Mormon

++ LDS Scripture given through Joseph Smith and other prophets

## (In the Pearl of Great Price)



Satan and Hell

What the LDS Church teaches about Satan

Satan, also known as the devil or Lucifer, is an enemy of God and of all those who endeavor to do the will of God. He attempts to entice and tempt all men and women to do evil or wrong. He uses deception and the imitation of good to lead people away from God. He cannot force or coerce an individual against his or her will to do evil and follow him. His objective is to make all mankind miserable. He once lived in a pre-earth or premortal life in the presence of God before this earth was created. He rebelled against God and the eternal plan of progress and righteousness. He persuaded many others to follow his rebellion all of whom were cast out of God’s presence. They are damned in their development for they do not receive physical bodies. They work to influence and tempt those who dwell as mortals on the earth. All who are obedient to God’s commandments and follow the principles of goodness and righteousness are protected from Satan’s influences. The time will come when Satan will no longer have power over men and women, and his works will cease.

(http://www.mormon.org/question/faq/category/answer/0,9777,1601-1-1371-16,00.html )

What the LDS Church teaches about Hell

In the scriptures, hell is spoken of in at least three senses:

(1) That condition of misery which results from disobedience to divine law, whether the individual acknowledges the consequences of their actions or not.

(2) The condition of misery experienced by those individuals who did not repent while on earth and who will live in a world of spirits after their demise on earth. It is a temporary state of existence until they have repented and are resurrected and stand at the final judgment.

(3) The permanent habitation of Satan and those who follow him and who have knowingly rejected and denied the influence of righteousness, goodness, and God their Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.


Plan of Happiness

Why people suffer

Pre-earth life

Purpose of Life

Life after Death



References: mormon.org | Articles of Faith |  lds.org | scriptures.lds.org