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My services: We help small businesses, organizations, and individuals design and publish web pages. We provide a low cost alternative when you don't need all the high tech bells and whistles, but want something that has not been prefabricated. You have a say in how it is all put together. You have a say in the content and design. We want you to be satisfied with the results. We will provide:
Email today for a quote. How I got started: Several years ago the Salt Lake Mothers of Twins wanted a website. As a member of that organization I offered to look into what it would take. I asked my computer programming husband if he could help. Not having much time to attend to that he told me that I ought to be able to figure it out. Turns out he knew only a little more than I did about putting together a website. I started out with one of the prefab sites where you pick a template and then enter your content. I soon learned that if I wanted to make changes to the template I could IF I knew something called HTML. I began looking up information on HTML that came with the prefab site. They didn't offer much more than a quick tutorial. Then I glanced on the book shelf in the room where my computer is and noticed a book called "HTML Web Publisher's Construction Kit" by David Fox and Troy Downing. I pulled it off the shelf and several hours later I had some idea of what those four letters meant. The corners are rather worn now and it has seen better days. I have learned that there is much more to web design than knowing a little HTML. There is Perl Script, Java Script, DHTML, CSS, PHP, Flash, ASP and a myriad of other bells and whistles to make a site do what you want it to do. While I haven't learned all there is to learn about designing websites I do have a number of sites to my credit.