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By Kelly
So Wags the World
Gilbert's Decision

By Jamie
The First Bride
A Valentine Story
Beauty for Ashes

By Steffi
Matthew is Dead
Terrible News
A Wrong Decision
A Bend in the Road
Lost Hearts
True Love
Evacuation Hospital

By Rebekkah
Anne's Life as an Orphan
A Blythe Misunderstanding
The Blythe Orphans
Life Longing for Love

By Alli
The Product of Our Love

Friendship, Courtship and Love

By Becca
The Announcement
You Cannot
The Last Connection

Candy Hearts
Finally Home
Living Without You
Vignette of Life

By Nellie
Destiny Gives

By Alizabeth
Coming Together

By Beth Mott
Joyous Announcement

By AngelRose
The First Walk
Anne's Magical Mystery Tour
Mr. Blythe's Spirit
Entering the Brave New World
My Sweetheart's Cal


By Jen
She's In Love

By Beks
Memories at the Alter

Love Letters
Rilla and Jem
The House of Dreams

By Queensgirl
Anne of the Glen

By ElleJay
Rilla's Castle O Dreams

By Shorty
All's Right in the World

By Darien
Davy's Beau

Anne of Green Gables
Fan Fiction

All Characters are the property of LM Montgomery and her heirs and Sullivan Entertainment.  These are for entertainment purpose only. Others may have their own opinions as to how these fan fiction stories should take place.  If you have a better idea we would like to read about them.


The Last Connection

by Becca

The phone call awoke him. He picked it up, thinking it was a patient. As he did this, he turned and looked lovingly at the sleeping form next to him. She had learned very quickly how to ignore the ringing of the 'phone.

"Dr. Blythe."

"Gilbert, I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Davy, is that you?"

"Yeah, is Anne awake?"

The sleeping figure beside him stirred into consciousness. He mouthed the word 'Davy' and she moved quickly into a sitting position.

"Gil, it's Marilla."

"How much time does she have?"

"None, Gil, she's gone. She died quietly in her sleep last night."

"We'll be down there as soon as we can." He hung up the telephone and turned to his wife, who was now very much awake.

"Gil, what is it? Why do you look so ill?"

"Anne, that was Davy." Gil knew that he was being redundant, but he was dreading his wife's reaction of his next sentence. That next sentence was never spoken for Anne and Gilbert have a special connection. All their years of marriage allowed them to speak with their eyes.

"Gil, no!" Anne pleaded with great agony in her voice.

"I'm afraid so. Anne, I'm so sorry." He pulled his wife close and rocked her until her tears subsided. When the sobs became muffled whimper. He cupped her face in his hands.

"I'm going to go find Susan and tell her what happened. She'll take care of the children. Jem and Walter are old enough to come; we'll let it be their choice."

Anne's head nodded in Gil's hands.

"I'll call Dr. Parker in Lowbridge and tell him I'm forwarding all my urgent cases to him. Then we'll leave as soon as you can pack a trunk."

Anne once again nodded. Gilbert kissed her lightly and ten left to start on his plan.

It took Anne a couple of minutes to get out of the bed. She finally rose, dressed slowly, in a black skirt and grey blouse. She packed a trunk containing necessities for both her and her husband, leaving soon for her two oldest children. It was at this moment that Gil returned.

"Susan says not to worry, that the children will be taken care of, and that we are in her prayers. Jem and Walter want to stay if all the children can't go. Dr. and Mrs. Parker send their condolences and the train leave in one hour. We should be in Avonlea by this evening."

"Oh Gil," Anne cooed while hugging him, "What would I do without you?"

"Hopefully, you will never have to find out."


"Davy," Dora called from the kitchen, "A woman named Susan Baker called and said that the Blythes would be here this evening.

"I'm glad the both of them could make it. Anne would have been hard to console without Gilbert here."

"Davy, do you remember the time you told Anne that Mr. Blythe was dying. I'd never seen anybody go that white in my entire life." Dora reminisced with a chuckle.

"Marilla was so mad at me, but I was so young and I had no idea why." He also said with a chuckle, his slightly strained as he remembered the woman who had been so kind to take he and Dora in, so long ago. "Dora, you go home, your family needs you. Millie and I have got things pretty well covered around here."

"Where are Milled and your children?"

"They went to the Lawsons. Both Jill and Ben have grown out of any respectable funeral clothes."

Brother and sister were interrupted by a knock on the door. Davy and Dora were greeted by four perfect strangers at the door. Two women, who remind Davy decidedly of Mrs. Rachel Lynde, God rest her soul. The two men were more quiet, standing in the background, each holding a carpet bag.

"Can we help you?"

"Yes, I'm Martha Davis, this is Amelia Cuthbert, and back there are our husbands, Daniel and Abner. We were called this morning about Marilla Cuthbert's death." 'Definitely Mrs. Lynde' Davy thought as he led them in.

"You must be her cousins."

"Daniel and I are, we are the siblings of our little clan here."

Davy and Dora nodded.

"We just wanted to inform you. You didn't have to make this long trip." Dora added.

"Nonsense, our father had eight siblings and Marilla was the only on who ever wrote. I wouldn't have been Christian of us not to come."

"Please, have a seat. Would you like some tea?" Dora asked politely.

All four answered in the affirmative. It was the first time that either twin had heard any of the cousins but Martha speak

"I'm afraid though, that there is no room for you to stay here at Green Gables."

"Why ever not, it's a big enough house." Martha inquired.

"Well, there is my family, which is not the problem, but Anne and G..." Davy stopped when he saw their confused looks.

"You do know that Marilla Cuthbert adopted an orphan over twenty-five years ago, don't you?"

"No, we did not know that, Marilla merely wrote of Avonlea and its going-ons. You see, we used to live here."

"From what I've been told and what I know, Anne was brought here by mistake when she was eleven. Marilla and Matthew meant to adopt a boy to help Matthew with the farm work. Well, they decided to keep her anyway. She did well in school, became a teacher. That's when Dora and I came, our father was Marilla's third cousin and she and Anne took us in. Two years late Anne went on the Redmond. She was principal at Summerside for three years while she waited for her husband to finish medical school and now she lives in Glen St. Mary, a town about sixty miles from here, with her family of six children."

"Marilla did well then, raising three children so well, as an old maid, that is." Amelia finally spoke up.

"So," Davy just as curious as of old. "What was Avonlea like when you lived here?"

"From what we have seen, not much has changed." Martha, the obvious spokes person, began. "Daniel and I lived just up the hill and Amelia and Abner lived just beyond the school house. We never had a woman teacher though. We had the usual clam-bakes, etc. I was always matched with Abner and Amelia with Daniel, so it made social functions easier. Marilla and John..."

"Wait, Marilla and John?" Dora and Davy had never been told the story of Marilla and Mr. Blythe.

"Well, it's not Christian to speak of the dead, but this isn't ill, so I guess it can be permitted. Marilla and John Blythe were sweethearts to some extent, but they fought something fierce. They both were stubborn people, God bless their souls. They were fond of each other though, so they would always make up, but there was one argument that they didn't, wouldn't or couldn't agree on. They never really spoke after that. In fact, no Cuthberts or kin spoke to the Blythes for a mite of a time afterwards. When we left, they had begun to speak barely civilly, but nothing more. Marilla never mentioned it?"

"Marilla, no, she never did, but I think that Anne knew something of it. Marilla was a modest woman and didn't speak much of her youthful life. You should know though that the feud did end, Anne and Mr. Blythe's son, Gilbert are..."

"I hate to interrupt," Martha cut in, her mindset was still that of the feud and had no wish to speak of the Blythes. "But where will we be staying for the time being?"

"I have room for two at my house," Dora spoke up, "And I suppose we can call Diana Wright and see if she has room."

"Diana Wright?" Amelia asked, confused.

"Diana Wright, nee Barry. She's married to Fred Wright, son of Joseph Wright. She's one of Anne's dearest friends."

"I see."

Dora had already made her way into the kitchen to make the call and was back fairly quickly.

"Diana says in fine. She has Anne Cordelia cleaning the spare rooms already."

"Then we must be going. It's been a pleasure talking with you Davy, Dora. Now if you'll please direct us, we'll be on our way."

Dora led the clan out. Soon after, Millie and her small brood arrived back home.

"How are you doing Davy?" Millie asked when the kids had been put to bed.

"As well as can be expected. Dora and I had a chat with some very interesting cousins of Marilla's this afternoon, but I still feel as if something is missing." Millie answered by rubbing his arm affectionately and comfortingly.

They were interrupted from their comfortable silence when they heard someone entering the house.

"Anne, Gilbert, you're finally here."

"The train was late," Gil said simply. Anne said nothing. Gil had an arm around her waist and her head rested on his shoulder. She looked as though she were barely conscious.

"We moved Jill out of the east gable. I know how Anne feels about that room. There's a cot in there for you, Gilbert. Where's the trunk?"

"It's at the station, it's being brought tomorrow. I couldn't carry everything." He motioned to Anne while lifting a fairly large carpet bag. "We've got enough for tonight."

Gilbert led Anne up the stairs. When they reached the room, Anne finally spoke.

"Gil, I don't think I can do this. The ache is worse than when Matthew died almost as bad as with Joy. But Marilla lost Matthew with me, and you also lost Joy in the same fashion that I did. With this, I'm all alone. Davy and Dora don't feel this like I do. She was the first person ever to give me a home. She was a mother to me, despite her insistence that I call her Marilla. I loved her so dearly Gil, with such a blindness, like a child, always. She was my last true connection to this dear old place. I don't think this ache will ever go way. I fell so helpless!" She finished, collapsing into a heap on the bed.

Gil listened to Anne patiently. When she was done, Gil took her hands in his own.

"Anne, I might no know what exactly you are feeling, but I have experienced the death of both my parents. I empathize with you Anne-girl. Don't ever doubt the power of my love for you. I feel what you feel. When you hurt, I hurt. The ache will go way eventually, I promise you that. You have your friends and our children and you have me. You will always have me. As far as feeling helpless, you will have things to do and being helpful with your hands will ease the helplessness of your heart."

"Gill, you are amazing. I can't put into words how you've helped. You are my rock, my strength, my love. Thank you."

He responded only with a kiss.

"Let's get some sleep." Gil and Anne changed into night clothes, backs to each other in relative silence. Gilbert went to lay on the cot when Anne spoke up.

"Gil, no, sleep with me in this bed tonight. I need to feel you beside me."

"The bed's too small Anne."

"Not if we squeeze." She smiled for the first time since she'd been told the news.

"All right, Anne. I never can say no to you." The tone in his voice implied that he rather liked being compliant.

Gilbert was right, however. The bed was too small. To fit, both had to lie on their sides. The only place for Gilbert's hands was around Anne's waist, not that he or she were complaining. The arrangements may not have been the most practical, but they were beneficial. Anne slept through the night and was refreshed, though still saddened, the next morning. She walked downstairs to find Millie fixing breakfast.

"Millie, you know you don't have to do all of this. I can help."

"It's okay Anne," Millie smiled. "I like to. There will be enough cooking to do this week. Sit, enjoy your breakfast." Anne tried to do just that. Gilbert and Davy joined them soon after.


3 days later

The day of the funeral was drizzly and bleak. Perfect for her mood, thought Anne. People stood in small clumps under umbrellas at the service. Anne remained stoic through most of it. When the last few words were said and the casket lowered, the tears began to fall as she leaned against Gil to help her stand.

Too reverent to speak at the burial, the four elderly people that Anne did not recognize waited until they had left the cemetery and were on their way to Green Gables to talk.

"Who was that tall red-head?" Amelia asked.

"My guess us that was that Anne that Davy Keith was talking about. She carried herself like an educated woman for most of the service. Although, it was luck that her husband had sense enough to come." Martha said with a nod of her head, implying that a husband that had that amount of sense, met with her approval.

"Martha, did you actually see her husband?"

"Of course I did Amelia. He was the tall man standing next to her."

"Did you notice his face?"

"No, now that I think of it, I didn't notice it."

"Well, I did. He nodded and Daniel and me. Didn't he Daniel?" Daniel merely gave an affirmative nod. "He was helping his wife away from the gravesite. It was like he almost recognized me, although I'm sure that he couldn't have. It was only a quick nod because he was very much absorbed in keeping his wife as calm as possible."

"Amelia, dear, you're straying."

"Was I? O, well, his face, right. He was the spitting image of how I would have pictured John Blythe ten to fifteen years after we left."

"You don't meant to think that... no, it's impossible."

"John Blythe did have a son."

"But after that quarrel I didn't think that the Blythes associated with Green Gable folk. They certainly didn't associated with us."

"They didn't associated with you for a different reason than the quarrel."

"Abner!" Martha scolded her husband.

"Actually, Martha, I was thinking that the match was impossible because I would never think that the Blythes would let their son, their only son mind you, marry an orphan."

The two men looked at each other and sighed, as their wives clucked like tow hens until they reached Green Gables. They were greeted at the door by the much talked about pair.

"You must be the cousins that Davy told me about." Anne greeted in a friendly tone.

"And you must be Anne..."

"Blythe. This is my husband Gilbert. Please come in, dinner is almost ready.

The four entered to find the house filled with the warmth of a few close friends.

"You are the spitting image of your father." Martha mentioned coldly, but still politely.

"Yes, I've been told that."

"Your marriage must have ended the feud then?" Amelia added.

The younger two looked confused. "What feud?" Anne asked.

"The Cuthbert/Blythe feud of course."

"I remember hearing of that once as a very small child, but it was such a silly thing that by the time Anne came, no one even remembered it." Gilbert said with a stifled laugh.

"You wouldn't have thought so when these two first met though." Diana Wright joined in the conversation.

"Diana!" Anne scolded playfully, not wanted her follies of old to be retold.

"Come, sit in the parlor," Diana suggested, ignoring Anne's plea, "Do I have some stories to tell you." Diana led the four into the parlor.

"You go with them Gil, I'll be with you in a little while."

While the other's went to the parlor, Anne went to Marilla's room. She sat on the bed and picked up Marilla's hair brush and twirled it in her hands as she took in the scent of the room. After a while she stood up, placed the brush down, took one last long look at the room. She stopped in the doorway before she left.

"Thank you Marilla, for the life you gave me. I love you."

More at peace with herself, Anne made her way to the parlor.

"Now what kind of these stories have these two been telling about me?"

Amelia looked up at Anne and couldn't help herself; she started laughing. Everyone else was silenced for a moment until Anne started laughing, imagining what her childhood stories might sound like to complete strangers. Soon, the entire group was laughing.

The group talked for a little more, until the cousins politely excused themselves.

"Those were some very interesting people." Diana suggested.

"It never ceases to amaze me how even in my ripe old age I manage to find new kindred spirits at every turn." Anne said as she took the arms of what one might call two of the very dearest kindred spirits.


Anne and Gilbert stayed awhile longer in Avonlea, visited and helped out. soon though, the pressures of Gil needing to be back at his practice caught up with him and Anne missed her children. They packed up, said their good-byes, and were on their way home.


When they arrived back at Ingleside they were greeted by all six children, a cake baked by Nan and Di, and a banner that said "Welcome Home Mother and Father!" Anne couldn't help it, her eyes filled up with tears.

"Why are you crying mother? Aren't you happy to see us?" Rilla asked innocently.

"That's why I'm crying, dear. I'm very happy to be home." She said as she kissed her youngest daughter's forehead.

Later that night, as they prepared to go to bed, Anne looked at Gil. He was standing behind her as she looked in the mirror, brushing her hair.

"I may have lost a connection to the first place I called home, Gil, but you know, I love this home just as much as I loved dear Green Gables."

Gil ran his fingers down her back, feather light, giving Anne a pleasant thrill, kissed the top of her head and both parties went to bed happy.



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