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LDS Scriptures

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* JST= Joseph Smith Translation

** From the Book of Mormon

++ LDS Scripture given through Joseph Smith and other prophets

## (In the Pearl of Great Price)


LDS Scriptures

Joseph Smith Translation (JST)

Not included in the Pearl of Great Price, but included in the foot notes throughout the LDS Scriptures.

A revision or translation of the King James Version of the Bible in English, which the Prophet Joseph Smith began in June 1830. He was commanded by God to make the translation and regarded it as part of his calling as a prophet.

Although Joseph completed most of the translation by July 1833, he continued until his death in 1844 to make modifications while preparing a manuscript for publication. Though he published some parts of the translation during his lifetime, it is possible that he would have made additional changes had he lived to publish the entire work. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints published the first edition of Joseph Smith’s inspired translation in 1867. They have published several editions since that time.

The Prophet learned many things during the translation process. Several sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were received because of his translation work (such as D&C 76, 77, 91, and 132). Also, the Lord gave Joseph specific instructions for the translation, which were recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C 37: 1; 45: 60-61; 76: 15-18; 90: 13; 91; 94: 10; 104: 58; 124: 89). The book of Moses and Joseph Smith—Matthew, now included in the Pearl of Great Price, were taken directly from the Joseph Smith Translation.

The Joseph Smith Translation has restored some of the plain and precious things that have been lost from the Bible (1 Nephi 13). Although it is not the official Bible of the Church, this translation does offer many interesting insights and is very valuable in understanding the Bible. It is also a witness for the divine calling and ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

LDS Scriptures--Intro

Old Testament

New Testament

Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ)

Doctrine and Covenants

Pearl of Great Price

Joseph Smith Translation (JST)


References: mormon.org | Articles of Faith |  lds.org | scriptures.lds.org