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(and surrounding States)



West Virginia Road
Trip 05

Balloon Festivals

Springville (Utah)

Clippings (various Photoshop projects I have worked on)


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Images from my road trip to West Virginia and Virginia
Included are picture along the way to and from

Pembroke Town Library

In 1988 I had lived in the little bend in the river town of Pembroke.  I had taken a picture of the quaint little library [see inset] located on the Main Street.  When I returned in 2005 I found that the library had been moved and painted white.  I found the following explanation of what happened in the time between my visits.

The Pembroke Library is about nine feet wide by thirty feet long. It’s a full lending library, with four thousand books, two computers, a dozen movies, and, for almost fifteen years, the same congenial librarian, Claire Robertson. With no telephone and restricted hours—it’s open only two hours a day, four days a week—the place is tricky to visit.

For a very long time, the building sat on Main Street beside the historic Pembroke Hotel. A few years ago, the telephone co-op bought the land (for $1) for a new parking lot. The hotel was razed in the name of parking progress, but the bank around the corner agreed to let the Library sit on its lot. So a moving crew came over with a flatbed, lifted up the Library, and unceremoniously plopped it down around the corner. Claire and a friend personally moved all of the books to their basements before the transition, storing them until the new shelves were properly bolted down.  (The Believer)